Instead of the usual July 4th fireworks photos I thought I would do something a little different this year. Melanie and I ventured to Purcellville, VA. to a family orchard where you pick your own fruit and pay by the pound.
It's strange how when I lived in Arkansas the thought of picking fresh fruit, often in our own backyard, was the norm and I would have never thought to grab my camera in the process. Now, living in NOVA, it is a nostalgic experience that warrants at least a few hundred frames. More than anything it was the smells that seemed to hit home.
It has been a long time since I've caught a whiff of peaches ripening on the tree, or the dust kicked up by a slowly passing tractor mixed with exhaust from an old engine that burns too much oil. To be honest it made me a bit homesick.
On to the photos.... I thought I would try a few different actions and editing techniques. The two sign photos are done with actions similar to a "digital Holga."
BTW, if you would like a real plastic Holga you can now purchase them at Urban Outfitters for $75.00. For some reason the camera lost a lot of its appeal to me when I noticed that a few days ago. What's next, Leica digitals at A&F?
Strangley enough I came home that night and started playing with Holga actions on these pics. Hey, I never claimed to be a trend setter.
Alright, that's enough nostalgia for one post...